Dari banyak artis, ampe sekarang baru 3 artis indo yg gw kagumi. 1st of course diAn Sastro, 2nd Sherina, and last is armand maulana (GIGI vocalist). 4 the 1st gw bakalan ngasih info about sherina, why? gpp juga swehhh maybe alesane beberapa hari yg laloe ada iklan TV Panasonic yang keren bgt.. eh gag taunya bintangnya adalah sherina. Gag nyangke pada umurnye nyang ke 18 taon, Sherina now looks really pretty ,i can tell she grew up into a beauty!!. even she is success right now, Sherina is still an ordinary girl with the exceptional on tight schedule. Besides school where she always gets first rank at class, she also joins a lot of informal educations such as Wushu, swimming, painting course, English course, wall climbing, vocal coach, piano jazz coach, ballet, painting and classic piano. Berikot adalah data about her, gw koempulin dari berbage sumbher.
Full Name: Sinna Sherina Munaf
Nick: Sherina
Place & DOB: Bandung, 11 June 1990
Occupation: Singer
Website: www.sherinaonline.com
- Petualangan Sherina (Sherina's Adventure)
- Andai Aku Besar Nanti[1999]
- Petualangan Sherina[2000]
- My Life[2005]
- Primadona[2007]
- Jakarta Children Karaoke Contest 1997
- Jakarta Children Song Festival 1998
- Best Child Singer Indonesia Music Awards 1999
- Best Child Song (Andai Aku Besar Nanti) Indonesia Music Awards 1999
- Best Children Album (Andai Aku Besar Nanti) Indonesia Music Awards 1999
- Best Child Song (Petualagan Sherina) Indonesian Music Awards 2000
- Best Children Album (Petualangan Sherina) Indonesian Music Awards 2000
- Best Child Singer Indonesian Music Awards 2000
- Platinum Record for the first and second album
- Most Favorite Child Actress 1999-2000 from Bobo magazine
- Asia Pacific Film Awards 2000 Winner: Special Jury Awards as The Talented Child Actress 2000 (Sherina's Adventure)
- Profiled at Focus Asia Star TV Network (Hongkong's TV network Star TV) titled "Princess of Pop" by Adrian Brown, on June 2001
- TIMES Magazine: Asian News Maker of The Year 2000
- Duet with Westlife, a famous boyband from UK, singing a new version of their UK #1 "I Have A Dream"
- Best Child Singer 2001 from "News Music" Magazine
- The Most Preferred Kid Actress & TV Talent Based on National Kid Market Survey 2001 from Frontier Marketing & Research Consultant
- The Most Shining Star-Child 2001 from RCTI tv station
- WWF (Worldwide Fund of Nature) ambassador to Japan for Orangutan campaign 2001
see more, sherina in actiOn:
Sherina - Sen no Kotoba (OST Final Fantasy) | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEX_fYNUzpg
Westlife feat Sherina - I have a Dream (1999) | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6STQB4ZVaZs
OST Petualangan Sherina (from her movie Sherina's Adventure) | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqkoJUz1kRU
Sherina - Lihatlah lebih dekat | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVd_Pa8Sqq0
Sherina - Sendiri (2007) | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcUDaSe6IVg
Sherina live performance singing Bukan Kenangan | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LPHjGsBZxg
Courtesy of http://asianfanatics.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=491608
credit 2:
Klo riviewnya Cinta Laura ada gak Boss? :-))
wah klo itu gw ga punya...
lah wong aku gag suka ma dia...
gw kan baru seneng 3 artis doang, sherina, dian sastro n ahmad maulana vokalis gigi
klo yg laen mah cari di t4 laen aja bro.. :-)
She's multitalented girl b(^_^)d
sher lagi buat album baru yang kalo tidak ada halangan akan launching Agustus 2008 ini so don't miss it ^_^
btw sherina munaf punya blog loh, dah nemu????
wah... dimanakah blog sherina?
i miss it pery much...:-)
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